Temporarily Closed Sign Now Up at Favorite Store in Rochester
One of the saddest sights in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin just popped up in Rochester, Minnesota on North Broadway. The reason why it is sad is that it means that the freezing cold winter is just around the corner.
A True Sign That Winter Is Coming Just Showed Up In Rochester, Minnesota
I've been avoiding North Broadway in Rochester as much as I can because I can't stand driving on that road since the construction happened. If I were to put a comment card in for ways Rochester could improve, I'd highly suggest never doing anything like the Elton Hills bridge project AND the North Broadway project at the same time. My commute went from about 12 minutes to over 35 minutes every single day, sometimes longer if I ran into another road that was also closed (which did happen!).
Well, that wasn't possible the other day. I don't know what was going on where I was trying to drive but North Broadway was my best option at the moment. That's when I saw that sign up in a store that hit me pretty hard. It said, "CLOSED FOR THE SEASON. THANK YOU. SEE YOU IN THE SPRING."
If you have avoided North Broadway like me, that sign is up at the Dairy Queen on North Broadway.
Are Any Dairy Queens in Rochester Open All Year?
Now that we are all hunkering down, including Dairy Queen stores in Minnesota, Iowa, Illinois, and Wisconsin, are there any Dairy Queens open during the winter in Rochester?
The good news is yes. According to a Facebook post by the Dairy Queen at 320 12th Street SE is planning on being open all year.

30 Things People in Minnesota, Iowa, and Wisconsin Hate About Winter
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