The 10 Commandments of Minnesota Winter Driving
Winter is here! We've had a few bad days, with school delays and winter warnings. To saveth thy asseth, here are the 10 commandments for driving during Minnesota Winters.
- I
Thou Shalt Drive With Headlights
Visibility is low
Visibility is not clear
Turn on your lights
So they can see your rear
- II
Thou Shalt Remove Snow From Vehicle
No, it is not acceptable to scrape just a small spot for you to see out the front! I need to see your brake lights and turn signals too. Clear it ALL off!
Thou Shalt Not Think You're Invincible
All wheel drive cannot save you from everything. Slow down, buckle up and be careful!
- IV
Thou Shalt Not Tailgate
Winter, summer, night, day, it doesn't really matter when or where it is, stop tailgating! Don't forget who pays for the damage when one is rear ended... Just sayin.
- V
Thou Shalt Prepare Thyself
A shovel, good boots and a blanket are a must! Here's a winter survival kit every Minnesotan should have.
- VI
Thou Shalt be Minnesota Nice While Driving
Just because you have a big truck and 4 wheel drive, does not mean thou shalt drive like a jerk.
Thou Shalt be on the Lookout for Mayo Employees
This goes for all seasons. If you're downtown, prepare for a game of Frogger (we do not condone hitting people).
Thou Shalt Respsect the Black Ice
You just never know when the evil black ice monster will show his face again - slow down!
- IX
Thou Shalt Use Signals
While we have many talents, reading your mind is not one of them...
- X
Thou Shalt Never Take Down The Vikings Window Flag
Frozen or not, show your team spirit!