This is Minnesota’s Unofficial State Bar Snack… Supposedly
Thrillist released a list of the unofficial state bar snacks for each state and Minnesota's doesn't make sense. Ok, it makes a little bit of sense but we'll get to that later.
I asked on Facebook earlier this week "If we were to name an unofficial state bar snack for Minnesota, what would it be?"
The most popular answer was popcorn, which I would agree with! Other popular answers were:
pickled eggs
fried pickles
beef sticks/jerky
But (according to Thrillist, who I'm seriously questioning right now) none of those are "correct"! Denis actually got the closest. His pick for the unofficial state bar snack was walleye fingers.
Thrillist claims that the unofficial Minnesota state bar snack is walleye cakes. I'm sorry, no. I'm pretty certain I've never heard of walleye cakes, let alone had one, and I grew up in Minnesota!
At the beginning of the blog, I said that it sort of makes sense. I understand (kind of) why walleye cakes were picked because Minnesota is known for its lakes and people like to fish and catch walleye, but that's all I've got to validate the reasoning behind this choice.
Hang out with Carly Ross on 106.9 KROC weekdays 9am-noon!
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