This is One of the Most Minnesotan Marriage Proposals Ever
This woman had no idea that an early January Christmas present with her boyfriend of 5 1/2 years would change her life forever.
I'm a sucker for happy endings, always have been. That's why when I saw an article on the Star Tribune about this creative marriage proposal that went down, I had to click on it because it's pretty much the most Minnesotan thing ever. As least as far as using the elements around him for the proposal goes.
According to the story, 20-year old Gavin Becker took his 21-year old girlfriend Olivia Toft out for a joy ride in a tiny four-seater plane this past Sunday as a late Christmas gift to her. As the couple flew over Eighth Crow Wing Lake, where Becker’s parents own a resort near Park Rapids, Toft then spotted a message... where else, but in the snow!
In bold capital letters just above a giant heart, the message simply read: MARRY ME.
Toft said “Yes.”
Now that's how you should use the elements around you to your advantage.
Congrats to both Olivia and Gavin on your engagement!
In other news, we need your help finding this thief who stole a package right off the porch of a Rochester resident! Watch the video here.