TikTok Video Starts Final Countdown of 365+ Days of Distance Learning in Rochester

Truth: it has been a full 365 days since my children have been inside their schools to learn due to COVID. We also marked a full year that my husband has been working from home and claimed the junk room as his own. He doesn't have an end date to his luxurious working conditions yet but we are now, finally, in the final countdown for middle-schoolers and high-schoolers at Rochester Public Schools to get back in their classrooms. To help prepare for this moment, I dusted off my letterboard that still had Christmas verbiage on it and gave it a little update...and made a video to always remember this moment. 😆
Does it make sense that I'm excited, apprehensive, and ready for this back-to-school moment? There are so many mixed emotions happening in my heart and mind as we anticipate the calendar turning to April 5th. Maybe you can relate to a few of these too.
The emotions moms are feeling as Rochester middle and high-schoolers prepare to go to school April 5th
Truth: I'm the only one at my house who has been leaving every day (and am truly thankful that I can!). However, this next step is HUGE because now my kids are the ones possibly being exposed to COVID on a daily basis. I'm not only worried about them but about being the person at work who brings the virus to our workplace by accident. I didn't handle the first part of the pandemic as well as I thought I would. I am just praying and hoping with all my heart that these next few months will go smoothly. If 2020 has taught us anything, we just can't predict what is going to happen. Now, I'll be juggling kids' bus schedules, school schedules, working full-time, and always on alert of any cough or sniffle that I hear...because I may be back in my closet doing my shows. #ThatWasNotMyHappyPlace I'm just tired of all of this and want my normal back.
To all the moms out there, I'm not entirely sure all the emotions that you've got going on right now but these are a few of mine that love to roll around in my heart and mind all day long...and I understand. Whatever you are feeling, I've probably had that pop up too and I know we could all just use one great big group hug right now....and maybe a cry...and some wine. If you ever want to chat, you can find me at my contact info here.
Listen to Jessica Williams every weekday from 6 am to 10 am on the Y-105FM Early Morning Show with James and Jessica.
Now for something fun! One of my kids is basically a duplicate of me and people say, "Oh, she looks just like you!". She doesn't always appreciate that comment, btw, but here are a few other mother-daughter duo's who also look pretty similar to one another.
CHECK THIS OUT: Celebrity Kids Who Look Exactly Like Their Famous Parents
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