There are lots of factors that go into picking the perfect college. An important factor is the safety of the campus and surrounding area. Thanks to College Safety and Security data we can determine how safe a college campus is. Unfortunately, based on that data, one of the most dangerous college campuses is in Minnesota and another is in Iowa.

There are a total of 27 campuses that are on this list, which was put together by Degree Choices using the College Safety and Security data I mentioned earlier. They analyzed the amount of violent crime on campus between 2019 and 2021 at colleges and universities with 500 students or more.

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They only looked at violent crimes that happened on campus, not in the surrounding area. And after checking out the data, they came up with their list of the 27 most dangerous college campuses in the US.

Minnesota's Most Dangerous College Campus

The Minnesota college on the list is the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities campus coming in as the 10th most dangerous campus in the country. Again, they only took into account the violent crimes that happened on campus, not any crimes that happened in the surrounding area.

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Iowa's Most Dangerous College Campus

The Iowa college that's on the list is higher than the U of M. Coming in as the 8th most dangerous college campus in the country is the University of Iowa.

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27 Most Dangerous College Campuses in the US

Here is the complete list of the 27 most dangerous college campuses in the US from least to most dangerous.

University of North Texas - Dallas-Fort Worth, TX

University of Washington, Seattle - Seattle, WA

Prairie View A & M University - Prairie View, TX

Johns Hopkins University - Baltimore, MD

Michigan State University - East Lansing, MI

UC San Diego - San Diego, CA

University of Florida, Gainesville - Gainesville, FL

University of Arizona - Tucson, AZ

University of Houston, Central Campus - Houston, TX

Drexel University, University City Campus - Philadelphia, PA

The University of Alabama - Tuscaloosa, AL

Texas Tech University, Lubbock - Lubbock, TX

Texas State University - San Marcos, TX

Auburn University - Auburn, AL

Vanderbilt University - Nashville, TN

University of New Mexico - Albuquerque, NM

University of Southern California, University Park Campus - Los Angeles, CA

University of Minnesota, Twin Cities - Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN

Texas A & M University, College Station - College Station, TX

Stanford University - Stanford, CA

The Pennsylvania State University - Centre County, PA

Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine - Scranton, PA

University of Iowa - Iowa City, IA

Xavier University - Cincinnati, OH

UC Berkeley - Berkeley, CA

Ohio State University - Columbus, OH

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor - Ann Arbor, MI

25 Most Dangerous Towns in Minnesota

Using data from the FBI from 2019, I accumulated a list of the 25 most dangerous cities/towns around Minnesota. Some of them on the list make sense, but a few may surprise you.

Gallery Credit: Carly Ross

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