Purrrfect TrailCam Video Shows Cougar in Minnesota’s Voyageurs National Park
Here kitty, kitty, kitty, kitty...
Imagine taking a look at your trailcam and seeing this big boy.
A cougar -- sauntering on a trail in the Marion/Franklin Lake area of Voyageurs National Park in Northern Minnesota the other night.
According to the Voyageurs Wolf Project X post, the big cat was spotted October 25th and he might still be in that area.
The Wolf Project writes: "Most cougars traveling through Minnesota and the Great Lakes region are thought to be young dispersing males. This one appears to be a hunk..."
A hunk who's left his own cougar family and is seeking a female from another group of cougars.
Ah, nature.
RELATED: Possible Cougar Sightings in Central Minnesota
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources says cougars used to be all over Minnesota before Europeans settled here. Today -- they're rarely seen. And even more seldom photographed.
The DNR says they have no evidence "to suggest the possibility of a resident breeding population of cougars in Minnesota."
So our friend was very likely just passing through, looking for love.
Safe travels, kitty.
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