Want to Become a Minimalist?
What better thing to do during below freezing temps than to watch Netflix shows like the documentary Minimalism: A Documentary About the Important Things. It came out mid-December and it's all the rage. Although, minimalism has been quite popular the last several years it's really coming out into the forefront. The American Dream has always been to be successful and the equitable proof of that is bigger and better. Big house. Lots of cars. As a result though, people are stressed because when is enough, enough?
The creators of this documentary Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus feel that minimalism is the solution to less stress and more happiness. They probe the minimalism concept with their own lives while encouraging others to apply it to theirs.
After watching the show, I decided to apply some of the minimalism philosophy to my own life. What is minimalism though? Here's what Josh and Ryan describe it as:
"Minimalism is a lifestyle that helps people question what things add value to their lives. By clearing the clutter from life’s path, we can all make room for the most important aspects of life: health, relationships, passion, growth, and contribution."
My bedroom needed some organization and de-cluttering bad. So I started with that first. I love clothes and honestly, couldn't imagine parting with any of them but I decided beforehand I would cut my closet by 1/4 and afterwards go back to cut some more so that ultimately I got rid of half my clothes. The results turned out to be incredible after I applied some of the concepts learned from the documentary. They said "Love people and use things." Each item you have should have a purpose and you should use it often.
Want to see the results? Here it is!
Here's some tips on cutting the excess:
1. Create three piles. One you'll keep. One that's a maybe. One that's a get rid of. After you sort it, go through the maybes again and try to get rid of as much of it as possible.
2. Have a couple of friends over for moral support. They'll be honest about what really looks good and what doesn't.
3. Don't think about how much you spent on the item. If it's not being worn/used - that money is gone anyways..
4. Forget the "I may be able to fit it again" someday mentality. If it's not being worn now, get rid of it.
5. After you have purged the clothes/items, donate them to someone in need or to good will.
6. Make it a new rule in your house that you only purchase or bring things in that you'll actually wear or use. Focus on classic items and not trends.