What are the Hottest Toys for 2017?
Okay, I admit, I was one of the parents out shopping this past weekend scrambling to find a specific toy my kids wanted for Christmas. I didn't realize it was a hot toy but it turns out - it was a HOT TOY. I spent five hours trying to find L.O.L. dolls. It was a total bust! No one had them. I couldn't believe it.
If you're not sure what they are, they're a small doll inside a ball that's wrapped in layers of plastic. You unwrap each layer and it opens up a compartment that houses an accessory. In the middle - the excitement increases as you open the last surprise - the L.O.L doll! The creator, Isaac Larian, came up with the concept after he realized the unboxing craze was a huge hit with adults - he thought something similar for kids would be appealing. Sure enough he was right. The dolls are out of stock at most places and they don't last 24 hours when stores get a new shipment in. Because it's been a hot toy and flying off the shelves some stores have had to implement a restriction on purchasing them (Toysrus only allows 2 per person). What's really cool is that MGA didn't do a huge marketing campaign for this. They relied on social media like Facebook, Instagram and Youtube to do the work for them. It was a risk but it definitely worked.
Here's an unwrapping video of an L.O.L doll
So, what other hot toys are out there? Here's the list.
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