Where to Go to Get Your Taxes Done for Free in Rochester
You can get free help with your taxes this year if your household made $66,000 or less in 2019. There are two options: You can do it yourself online at www.myfreetaxes.com or you can get assistance from IRS-Certified Tax Coaches at various locations around town through April 15th. The locations include:
- 125Live (formerly Rochester Senior Center) -125 Elton Hills Drive
- The Salvation Army Service Center - 120 First Street NE
- Hawthorne Education Center - 700 4th Ave
- MyFreeTaxes.com Clinic at Rochester Public Library By appointment or walk in: Wednesdays 5-8 pm Now-April 15
Call ahead to make an appointment at one of the above locations - 507-287-1958. Click here for more info.
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