Man Gives Pregnant Wife ‘Ultimatum’ to Fix Their Sex Life in One Year or He’s Out
A pregnant woman is considering "pulling the plug" on her marriage after her husband gave her an ultimatum to fix their intimacy in one year, or else he'll leave her.
"I just don't foresee our relationship ever improving. We've been to couples' counseling many times and even our counselor is at a loss for my husband's thought processes. The husband and I have been battling issues of intimacy for quite a while, I'd say they started when we started trying to conceive," she wrote on Reddit.
Her husband constantly accuses her of not showing him enough affection.
"He wants to feel lusted after, flirted with, essentially like I HAVE to have him, etc. Like most women I've met, I need an emotional connection prior to being able to give my body in that way and I've tried explaining this but it's like we're both at a standoff," she continued.
The woman has tried to explain the issues she is having lately with intimacy, but he just doesn't seem to understand.
"I'm a mom, I'm pregnant with a high risk pregnancy, I have low iron, I was working full time as a nurse, I was the default parent, I do 95 percent of the grocery shopping, and I am TIRED. I just feel like it's not too much to ask to have a partner recognize this and want to participate in life with me and have empathy for what life is like these days," she explained.
Meanwhile, her husband goes to work, comes home and stays on his phone the entire time, barely interacting with their toddler.
"He blames all of this on the fact that he doesn't feel valued because I'm not lusting after him and showing him love in his love language. But how is that even possible for me? How can I lust after someone I feel completely let down by? And trust me, I've told him how I feel about the mental load, parenting, quality time needs many times, yet no behavior change happens," the frustrated woman added.
"Two days ago he basically gave me an ultimatum. He said if our intimacy doesn't change in the next year he can't continue to be in this relationship anymore because it's turning him into someone he doesn't like. Yet when asked what his role would be in helping it change he basically said that he's the one who's been asking me to change. In other words, he doesn't think he's the problem," she concluded.
READ MORE: Woman Questions Boyfriend’s Manipulative ‘Marriage Ultimatum’
Reddit users gave the woman some tough love in the comments sections, with many urging her to consider leaving her husband.
"Man, he thinks now's the time to bring this up? When you're eight months pregnant with a high risk pregnancy? And about to have a second baby to take care of? He's not supportive at all. It sounds like divorce would be to your advantage. Since he's given you a year, spend it getting your ducks in a row," one person wrote.
"He sounds like he wants to be chased all the time. How exhausting," another chimed in.
"Your marriage sounds so very lonely. You’re not wrong, it’s not the hormones. It’s time," someone else advised.
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