Work Begins to Improve Alerting System Throughout Rochester
The tornado siren in my neighborhood is pretty weak. I can only hear it, if I'm outside and there's no traffic, so I'm happy to see the city of Rochester has authorized warning siren improvements.
Ken Jones City of Rochester Emergency Management said, “The work being done to improve the alert system is vitally important to ensuring our community is aware of potentially hazardous weather. This is especially important with identified sound gaps. As we approach the summer season, we encourage the community to be aware of the potential for severe weather while outside and listen to the sirens, should they be activated.”
The city sent a press release explaining that work will be performed in the following locations:
65 St NW & HWY 52 NW: Installation of existing warning siren equipment from the College Pkwy SE location to a new underserved location.
Watson Field off of Essex Pkwy NW: Installation of new voice modulator system which can send tone signals as well as programmed voice messages that better alert nearby recreation field users of approaching severe weather events.
Badger Hills Drive NW & 50 Ave NW: Relocation of existing warning siren equipment from the Longfellow Elementary School location to an under-served location.
College Pkwy SE: Existing location equipment upgrade to a voice modulator system which can send tone signals as well as programmed voice messages that better alert nearby recreation field users of approaching severe weather events.
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