Rochester, Minnesota is known for one thing. What is the Mayo Clinic? 

According to the J! Archives, Rochester has been featured 15 times since the show first aired. Here are some of their questions.

Spoiler alert - the answer is ALWAYS Mayo!

Q: Last name of Edith, who stands still at a facility in Rochester, Minn. where she was the first nurse anesthetist

A: What is Mayo?


Q: Center Street & 3rd Avenue SW in Rochester, Minnesota: this clinic

A: What is Mayo Clinic?


Q: Last name of William & Charles, brothers who built their own medical center in Rochester, Minnesota in 1914

A: What is Mayo?


Q: This Rochester, Minnesota clinic is around 15 million square feet, about 3 times the size of the Mall of America

A: What is Mayo Clinic?


Q: In 1953 sculptor William Zorach created the relief "Man and Work" for this Rochester, Minnesota clinic

A: What is Mayo Clinic?


Q: Their Rochester clinic dates back to 1889

A: Who are the Mayo Brothers?

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