16-Year-Old Minnesotan Opens a New Must-Visit Festival for this Fall

16-year-old Sam from Montevideo, Minnesota is no slacker, that's for sure. He seems to be very active: he's in 4H, plays baseball, likes to hunt and fish, and also enjoys raising his animals. He also started growing a 1/4 acre pumpkin patch back in 2018. He's a busy guy but he's about to be busier because he is opening his own business this fall called Sam's Pumpkin Patch.
It'll be a festival with now an acre of pumpkins where you can pick your own or choose from pre-picked ones. There will also be food and drinks for purchase too at the concession stand that he put together in a machine shed. He also told the Montevideo News that there will also be a hay bale maze, a corn pit, ride-on toys for little kids, farm mini golf, plenty of photo-ops, a hayride, life-sized checkers, bags, and pumpkin bowling. Sam seems to have thought of everything!
It sounds like it's going to be a really fun festival to check out this year. Admission is $5 per person (2 and under get in free) and Sam's Pumpkin Patch will be open every Saturday and Sunday 10 AM - 6 PM starting September 11th through October 31st. It'll also be open on the Thursday and Friday of MEA break, October 21st and 22nd, 10 AM - 6 PM.
Checking out a place like this is the perfect way to spend a fall day. Plus you're supporting a young entrepreneur! In case you're wondering, Sam told the Montevideo News he plans to go to college for business management.
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