5 Issues They Will Tackle In 13 Reasons Why Season 2
I admittedly binge-watched the entire first season of 13 Reasons Why when I got wind of this series. After its release, Twitter was hit with more than 11 million tweets about the new series. As news traveled and the audience grew, it ended up finishing as the year's top-trending show on Google. As a parent, it was an eye-opener to the inner workings of a young mind. It's different than when I was growing up. It's a perpetual cycle of bullying that is affecting everyone it touches.
The show brought serious issues to the surface that kids are facing and the issues surrounding teen suicide. According to Mayo Clinic, about 18 percent of high school students consider attempting suicide. Four out of every five teens who attempt suicide give clear warning signs. They tackled a lot of the day to day pressures and traumatic events that teens these days experience in the first season.
Season 2, launching May 18th in the aftermath of Hannah Baker's death, will tackle bigger social issues facing society all over the country.
Teens and Parents Need More Support and Resources
The streaming service is rolling out new viewing elements to "support more meaningful conversations" around teen suicide. It will include a special introduction at the beginning of each episode with resources for the issues they are tackling. They've also launched 13ReasonsWhy.Info, featuring a viewing guide to help start the difficult conversations the show will touch upon in each episode,
Jessica's Sexual Assault Story Continues
Jessica and Hannah's friendship ended over miscommunication but they shared a horrible experience of sexual assault that neither talked about. This season, they will explore her journey to recovery from sexual assault victim to survivor and in a bigger picture, how these incidents were reported or handled at the school all together.
Even Adults Fail
In their final meeting, Mr. Porter didn't take Hannah at her word. He will be coming to terms with the mistakes he made. Writers say his story will be one of the most compelling. As a result of his choice, he will be determined to reach or help every kid who needs to be helped. Whatever it takes.
Boys 2 Men
They will be addressing issues of how boys are raised into men and the way girls and women are treated by them and what they could do better in both cases. I think this is a great opportunity to use this as a teaching a learning moment on a bigger scale.
Schools aren't exempt from conspiracy
While we think schools may be a safe place, they can still be a source of human error. Liberty High School will be in the hot seat, in court that is. Someone is determined to keep their shortcomings a secret. Clay and the crew will be diving into that mystery.
IF YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO'S HURTING, NEEDS HELP OR A RESOURCE, please visit our Metal Health Resource blog.
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