5 Things Residents Say Would Make Rochester Better
Rochester is definitely not lacking in the restaurant/bar selections, but could use some more family friendly establishments. Here are 5 things that residents say would make Rochester better. What do you think?
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Getty Images 1Drive-In Movie Theater
AGREED - 100% we need a drive-in. One of my all time favorite things to do with my boys is head to the drive-in. There is one about an hour away that we go to every summer.
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Getty Images 2Indoor Waterpark
Another one of those things that we have near, but not close enough. The kiddo loves waterparks, and would want to be there all day, every day, and I'd totally be ok with that.
- DragonImages/ThinkStock
DragonImages/ThinkStock 3A Zoo
Several people said a zoo. We are fortunate to have the Oxbow Zoo in Byron, and two wonderful zoos just a short car ride away. BUT, I wouldn't be opposed to more... Just sayin'.
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Getty Images 4Indoor Playground
We definitely need more stuff for kids to do when it's both freezing cold outside and outrageously hot - which we all know we experience quite often in Minnesota.
- Getty Images
Getty Images 5Dave & Buster's
Dave & Buster's = an adult Chuck E' Cheese. Yeah, I'd welcome one of these to Rochester, especially downtown.
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