5 Tips To Hang With Taylor Swift in the REP Room
I'll admit that much of this "advice" came from my 11 year old daughter whom I bought tickets for LAST DECEMBER! She's been planning ever since. As one of her biggest fans (Maleah, not me), she has been creating her own Instagram and tracking down on the intel she can about Taylor and how the selections are made for this private backstage experience. This years VIP lounge is called "REP Room".
I’m not sure of the “official” way, but audience members are often plucked right out of the crowd and invited backstage for a meet and greet with Taylor. Usually, those having the most fun with signs and costumes win. Have fun, because someone is ALWAYS watching.
Here are her tips for "getting noticed" and hopefully invited to the REP Room.
1. Get The Best Seats
I'm sure many of you have your seats, but you can all still try to WIN TICKETS this week with our daily 7am giveaways with Dunken and Samm. Get all the deets. The best places to sit are on the edge of a section so that Taylornation and Mama Swift can spot and approach you more easily. Also, it is pretty well known that people with floor seats have a higher chance of being invited.
2. Share Your Heart Out
She's eying up Instagram and Tumblr before the concert even starts! Let Taylor and Taylornation know that you're coming to see them via social media. This is especially important the day of the concert. Tag them in photos of you in your tour outfit and tell them where your seats are!
3. Costume Creation
You can't just get noticed in your same old everyday attire. Even a simple Taylor shirt might not cut it. Your best bet is to wear something that stands out. Something handmade is sure to show your dedication and creativity counts but it's proven that even those sans signs and costumers get invited too. Just don't break the stadium rules like battery-operated lights. (Hello, glow sticks!)
4. Early Bird Gets The Worm
Sure things aren't "open" yet but you will have time to walk around the stadium and meet the dancers or band members. Plus, you get first dibs on the Taylornation booth where you can say hi to people that will be giving out invitations. Chat them up about how excited you are, show them your costume, and tell them where your seats are!
5. Shake It Off
Nobody wants boring in the REP Room so if you're not dancing and screaming and having fun during the concert, you won't get invited. They are looking for those that are enjoying themselves regardless of any sign or outfit. The REP room is for the enthusiastic!
MOST IMPORTANTLY (and I tell my daughter this like 8 times a day).......If you walk into the concert with the expectation of being invited to Rep Room, you will most likely walk out utterly disappointed. Only 20-40 people are invited. Your chances are small. Enjoy the concert and don't pay too much attention to Rep Room.
DON'T FORGET...Every stadium's rules are different! Contact them or view their website to review their guidelines. The tour itself has rules too: Clear Backpacks Only, No Battery packs, lights of any kind, all professional cameras, political signage and signs larger than 11" x 17" are prohibited. For a full list of prohibited items click here.
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