A Open Letter to the Independent Woman… You Aren’t Alone
A few weeks ago I made a new friend named Elizabeth. Not only did we realize we were practically the same person, but we had a conversation that left me thinking for days after we had dinner. Our conversation was about being an independent woman in 2020 and how society treats us differently because we aren't like everyone else. We both agreed that because our parents raised us to be independent, we had "felt different" than our peers growing up. Well independent women out there, I'm here to tell you... YOU AREN'T ALONE, even though it may seem like it.
One of the main struggles of an independent woman is dating! Most likely... this isn't true for everyone... your parents raised you to be able to do things by yourself, use basic tools to fix things, and know enough about a vehicle to fix minor problems. In short, you are super okay with doing things on your own. You might even be able to move 15 hours away from family and friends and survive. Well... men in 2020 say they want those qualities in women, but when they start dating you, they are insecure that you "don't need them." The fact is you don't need them, but YOU WANT them and they don't understand that. Believe me, I've gotten that t-shirt a lot lately in Minnesota.
A lot of times, these women are super confident. Most of the time their confidence scare folks which leads them to think she gets everything handed to here. The true fact is she works super hard to get what she wants and sometimes has to take big risks along the way. A lot of the times she hides the blood, sweat, and tears it takes her to find success.
If anyone understands this life, it is me! My parents are my rock and have raised me to be independent enough to move to place where I don't know a single soul and still be happy. Just know friend that you aren't alone in this journey and you shouldn't change who you are because others don't understand you. Be the unicorn out there that others look up to.
If you ever need to talk about the struggles of being an independent woman in 2020 please feel free to reach out!
Paisley Dunn :)
Hang Out With Paisley Dunn on Quick Country 96.5 Weekdays from 3 pm - 7 pm
Wake Up With Paisley Dunn on Kat Kountry 105 Weekdays from 6 am - 10 am

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