Actually, This is the Worst Parking Lot in Rochester
What a freaking headache.
This town has a knack for getting overly excited about new restaurants, bars and eateries so it's almost a guarantee that any parking lot is going to be packed for a grand opening and several weeks afterwards. That's why last week when a buddy here at work complained about the layout of the new Chik-Fil-A parking lot in Rochester, I wasn't too surprised. Granted, he has a valid point on how you can literally be blocked in from any direction, but I feel there's another parking lot in town that has it much, much worse.
The parking lot on Marketplace Drive Northwest has to be the biggest cluster you-know-what in town. Ever since they built that stupid median to separate and close off those shops from Applebee's, it's been a headache to get in and out of that thing. Everytime I want to grab Chipotle, or swing in to Cold Stone for some ice cream it's constantly backed up and bottle-necked from drivers coming off the exit from 37th street or people coming from the opposite direction who are trying to zip across the street from Target.
Plus once you finally do get inside the parking lot, then the real "fun" begins because you have to weave in and out of their jagged parking spaces since everything's diagonal and not perpendicular to the entrance!
I always feel like I'm two seconds away from being slammed into from someone who's not paying attention because everything's so tight and congested, particularly in front of Chipotle. That whole front row (pictured above) in front of the shops is so much tighter than it looks and I wouldn't be shocked at how many accidents happen there every year. The road rage is real, and it's scary when you pull in there.
So while I agree that Chik-Fil-A's parking lot is a bit of a mess, at least the hype will eventually die down so it's not so crazy to park. That's why I think Market Place, with all their stores stuffed into their tiny parking lot, takes the crown for worst layout in town!
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