I was born in Solon, Iowa and went to Washington High School. I got into the radio world at age 17 and fell in love with it. I spend way too much time on the internet and watching movies. My favorite book is Slaughterhouse 5, and my first job was a farmhand on a horse farm. I consider myself a bit of a history buff, and Eli Young Band is my favorite band.
Wow! These Are The Top 10 Most “Redneck” Towns In Wisconsin
The most Redneck places in Wisconsin are these 10 towns.
Top Three Biggest Party Schools In Wisconsin
It's almost time to go back to school which means great learning is almost here... that and parties. Does your school go hard when it comes to parties? It's time to see if it can make the list.
This Is The #1 Party School In The State Of Iowa
School is out, but it's time to look back at which one's went the hardest. We live in a world that only puts focus on negatives and scary stories about the world.
Look! Iowa Is Home To The World’s Smallest Church
Located a few miles west of Festina Iowa you'll find something small. So small in fact that it is a record holders. Welcome to the world's Smallest Church.
Warning In Wisconsin: Look Out For Red Or Purple Paint In The Woods This Summer
While you are enjoying that natural Wisconsin beauty you might see trees painted with red or purple paint. Do you know what that means? Many don't realize how important the markings are now, and how important it is to keep an eye out for them.
There Is An Abandoned Cold War Missile Silo In Wisconsin
Obviously, America and many other countries put a lot of thought into nuclear warfare which has led to missile silos being created throughout the country. Not only that but plenty of other Missile silos were created around the USA as well. Today we will be looking at one of those sites. Over the years many of these sites have been abandoned.
These Are Called The Best Donuts In Iowa
You can never go wrong with a great treat.
Iowa College Named #1 Party School In The State
We will look at the top three party colleges in all of Iowa!
Wisconsin College Named #1 Party School In State
Give a shout out to where you went to college!
The Legendary Healing Waters Of Wisconsin
The beautiful water of Wisconsin are strong, and some even believe that some of those waterways have healing powers.