Best Places to Buy a Home in Minnesota Right Now
It feels like the housing market has been crazy for the past few years. I'm no real estate guru or anything but I know it's been nuts, in Minnesota and all across the country.
My husband and I looked for a home briefly a few years ago. Unfortunately, it was just as home prices were going up AND so were interest rates, so we pulled out of the search and are waiting it out. We'd love to be home owners but we're not in any particular rush, so thankfully we have the luxury of waiting.
But if you are currently looking for a home, or if you plan to start looking for a home this year, I have the best places to buy a home in Minnesota for 2024.
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How to Determine the Best Place to Buy a Home
Obviously, figuring out the perfect place to buy a home is a very personal decision. It all depends on how close you want to be to family and friends, if you'd rather be close to downtown or further removed from everything, etc.

However, in order to determine this list of the best places to buy a home, Niche looked at a few different metrics that are signs that, in general, this is a good place to buy a home.
Those metrics are: home values, property taxes, housing costs, and local schools.
Below, I have the top 10 best places to buy a home in Minnesota for 2024. Half of these places are in the Twin Cities, nearly the entire other half is in southeast Minnesota, and the one remaining place is in north central Minnesota.
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Top 10 Best Places to Buy a House in Minnesota, 2024
Arden Hills (#10)
Median Home Value: $394,600
Median Household Income: $121,978
Page (neighborhood in Minneapolis - #9)
Median Home Value: $523,328
Median Household Income: $158,414
Eden Prairie (#8)
Median Home Value: $442,200
Median Household Income: $129,345
Chatfield (#7)
Median Home Value: $208,500
Median Household Income: $88,772
Shoreview (#6)
Median Home Value: $349,300
Median Household Income: $106,153
Hale (neighborhood in Minneapolis - #5)
Median Home Value: $416,332
Median Household Income: $148,803
Cascade Township (neighborhood in Rochester - #4)
Median Home Value: $442,800
Median Household Income: $129,808
St. Charles (#3)
Median Home Value: $220,500
Median Household Income: $91,326
Byron (#2)
Median Home Value: $293,900
Median Household Income: $126,250
Northern Township (#1)
Median Home Value: $261,300
Median Household Income: $95,234
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Gallery Credit: Samm Adams
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