Celebrating 10 Years of Fashion in Downtown Rochester
The Style Fashion Show is right around the corner, and this year you can expect to see some new faces on the stage. Here are the details.
Taking the stage with a microphone in hand, hosting the show with Laura Lee of ABC 6 News - Samm Adams of KROC & KWWK. Taking the stage as a fashionista/model - Val of KWWK & Z-Rock.
When & Where: September 28th at Kahler Grand Hotel Heritage Hall Ballroom.
Time: The pre-show with live music starts at 5p, show starts at 7p and post-show shopping begins at 8p.
This year’s fashion show features children’s clothing, adult clothing, accessories, and everything you need to be prepared for this years’ fall trends from 12 different downtown businesses:
- 99 Giggles
- Baby, Baby
- Blu H20 Salon
- Ginny’s Fine Fabrics
- Hanny’s
- Hers
- Knight’s Chamber
- Lasker Jewelers
- M Gear
- O&B Shoes
- POPPI Italian Leather
- The Nordic Shop
Anything you see on stage will be available for purchase after the show.
Tickets available now!
VIP: Sit front row, and enjoy the pre-show party! Hors d-oevres and a drink included in your ticket price of $50.
Runway: Second or third row spot for $30.
General Admission: $20