Disney Holding Casting Call in Minnesota to Find Next Big Child Star
Has your child ever expressed interest in being an actor or actress? This could be their chance to Disney. DeLisi Creative Casting is hosting a Disney casting call at the Mall of America on Saturday December 14th from 11a-5p.
According to their Facebook post, they are looking to audition brunette girls with brown eyes between the ages of 7 and 11-years-old to play the role of an 8-year-old girl. They are also auditioning blonde boys with blue eyes between the ages of 7 and 11-years-old to play the role of an 8-year-old boy.
You can preregister by emailing childcasting@gmail.com
Children selected for the role will have a part in an undisclosed Disney live-action feature.
The open casting call will be on east side of the fourth level in the Mall of America.
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