Do Any of You Nurses Know What’s Wrong With Samm?
All jokes aside, something may or may not be seriously wrong with Samm. Look at these pictures, because something is NOT right...
Back story:
A spider bit me in late 2013 when I was in Indianapolis. It swelled up pretty good, and was super itchy. This is NOT abnormal for me, because I'm very sensitive to spider bites - allergic to some. Here is what it looked like not long after it happened:
Fast forward nearly four years to today...
A few times the bumps have come back, including this week. All week I've been dealing with it being itchy and looking like I have a puss pocket, perhaps. I'm afraid to see what WebMD has to say so I'm avoiding it. I'd rather hear from a legit professional, and since Rochester is full of them, here I am... Help.
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