Save Time at The Unveiled Wedding Show
In my former life, I was in the wedding industry and have been to AND produced bridal shows. They are an EXCELLENT resource for planning your wedding day but they can be overwhelming and a huge time sucker if you don't do it right.
Plan for the day but make the MOST of your time at this show with these tips!
1) Get your ticket in advance. If you haven't chosen your dress or wedding party attire yet, pay the extra for the fashion show! Totally worth it!
2) Print out address labels WITH your wedding date. You will be asked to fill things out all over the place and this will save you a ton of time and writing cramps! It is helpful to include your name, the grooms name, complete address, your wedding date and location, phone numbers and e-mail address.
3) Make a list. What services do you still need? Don't waste time stopping at places you already have booked. It sounds logical but its easy to get sucked into booths. Squirrel!
4) Have your questions ready. Don't just rush by booths that have services you still require. Don't just listen to sales pitches. Don't be afraid to ask the hard questions. That's what the vendors are there for. They want to help you and you are under no obligation to buy from them, so find out everything you need to know. Remember, YOU are choosing THEM.
5) Keep an idea stash. This show, in particular, is HUGE for helping you plan an experience. There is a tasting bar, a fashion show and a "trend wedding" which is all set up for you. Be ready with space on your phone to take pictures of ideas to incorporate into your own wedding, such as a type of flower arrangements, color combinations (in photographers' sample albums, for example), and favors.
6) Mark your favorites. Bring a red pen or sticker and mark the vendors information in a special way that will indicate your level of interest, e.g., "Call this one!" Make notes on business cards, the brochure or flyer for easy reference later.
7) Don't take what you don't want. Be sure not to make speedy judgments on whether the information offered might be of interest to you. Take one minute to listen to their offer and if a vendor offers you literature you do not want, don't take it. Be polite. Just say "No, thank you" and walk on. Vendors appreciate your candor because they spend a lot of money on their wedding flyers, promotional pieces, etc.
8) Wear the sticker. Most shows offer a Bride and Groom sticker when you register. Please wear it! It can become confusing for vendors to identify everyone that attends, and if they know you are the bride they are more likely to give you that little bit of extra attention.
9) Bring your colors. Material swatches and ribbons that suggest the colors of your wedding are helpful when speaking with florists, bakers, balloonists, gown shops and other professionals.
10) Bring your credit card - not your checkbook. If you want to book any services or give a deposit to hold a date, you will often find discounts that are available only at the show. If you are comfortable with the vendor, by all means, go for it. To safeguard yourself, if a wedding vendor goes out of business before your wedding you can usually get your money back if you use a credit card but you will be out of luck if you pay by check. Proceed with caution and choose wisely. Read the fine print.
When you go in with a plan of action, you most likely will get most of your planning done in one afternoon or at least gather enough information to make an informed decision when reviewing the info at your leisure. Don't forget, we got your chance at a Honeymoon Hookup coming Monday, October 8th!
For all things beauty, fashion and fun, visit my Facebook Page and listen weekdays 10am-12pm on KROC!
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