Dumb Things Rochester Dads have Done While Their Wife was in Labor
Dads do a lot of dumb things when their wife is in labor!
This morning we talked about NFL Quarterback Kirk Cousins. He and his wife welcomed their first child to the world on Friday. During Kirk's wife's labor he was face-timing with his coaches because he didn't want to miss the QB meeting.
We're guessing the team wouldn't have minded if he missed that one meeting.
My wife's labor lasted 32 hour...Here's the dumb thing I did and some stories from our listeners:
Several listeners also chimed in on Facebook:
Caitlin Matera : After 3 hrs of pushing I was exhausted and asking for forceps, something, anything. My husband looked me dead in the eye and said "buck up". There was almost a birth and murder on the same day in the same room at the same hospital.
Molly Rieke-Hofschulte: My ex husband said "can't you hurry up I'm tired".
Laura Peters Plenge : He joked about taking me to the vet.
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