Election Day: Kid Craft and Activity Ideas
Yesterday, my youngest daughter and I helped as "Election Judges" with Kids Voting USA at one of the elementary schools in Rochester. The classroom was turned into a mock voting poll location with ballots and everything! It was neat watching each student come in, pick up their ballot, vote and deposit their ballot to the ballot box. It's important future generations understand the process so I think it's cool that Minnesota schools do this. Gotta say, I am curious which candidate will win the majority of votes for President in this school district!
But alas, today is the big day - Election Day! The day many of us have been waiting for and that some of us are so ready to have be over. Even though adults get to vote today, I wanted to make this day meaningful and a great learning experience for my daughters. I bought a blank map of the United States at ABC Toy Zone. I liked that the states are not identified. I'll have them write the states' names on it (learn some geography at the same time) and as the returns from the voting results come in and states are called, they'll color a state red or blue! Doesn't that sound like fun? It will be our very own 2016 Presidential Interactive Election Map!
Are you wondering about other cool ways to incorporate the elections into a fun learning experience for your kids? Here's some other great ideas: http://kidsactivitiesblog.com/90626/election-crafts-for-kids