Find out if Your Facebook Info was Used by Cambridge Analytica
You've probably heard about Cambridge Analytica a lot over the last few days. The political research firm worked for President Trump's campaign and improperly obtained data from 87 million people's personal Facebook pages.
A notification showed up on my Facebook newsfeed this morning telling me that information from my account was used by Cambridge Analytica. The message said one of my Facebook friends used the "This is Your Digital Life" app and through that app the research firm was able to get info from my profile including number of friends, my birthday and my current city.
Click here and Facebook will tell you if your account was targeted and exactly what information was used.
CNN reports that data collection is the core of Facebook's business model: "The company brings in $40 billion in advertising revenue annually because it offers brands data that gives them an unparalleled ability to target consumers. If Facebook stopped collecting this data, it would undermine its entire business model."
So don't expect them to stop - you can protect your page though. put together this step by step guide that will help prevent Facebook from sharing your data.
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