Gofundme Page Created For Family of Slain Rochester Infant
A ‘gofundme” page has been created to assist the family of the prematurely born baby who died Sunday after being born via an emergency C-section following an alleged assault on her mother last week. Donations to assist the family are also being accepted by Think Bank “Christine Sagen, In Memory of Aniyah Sagen.”
Tiny Aniyah Noel Sagen weighed only 1000 grams and was only 14 inches long when her 20-year-old mother developed a serious complication shortly after she was allegedly shoved and fell during a confrontation with an ex-boyfriend. She was 26 weeks into her pregnancy at the time.
A memorial service for Aniyah Noel will be held Friday afternoon in the River Park Chapel at Macken funeral home in Rochester beginning at 2 PM. A visitation is scheduled one hour before the service in the chapel.
The young man allegedly responsible for the baby’s death, 20-year-old Chaz Moore, was charged with felony assault following his arrest last Thursday. A first-degree manslaughter charge was added to the criminal complaint against the Rochester man today.
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