How Many Times Can You Legally Circle a Roundabout in Minnesota?
Roundabouts are a more and more common sight around Minnesota. They've been around for a long time but it feels like there are multiple new roundabouts that go in in our area every summer.
Roundabouts Create Safer Roads
Roundabouts are much safer and better for traffic flow than traffic lights or stop signs. MnDOT reports that roundabouts "in Minnesota have had over an 80% reduction in fatal and serious injury crashes."
ALSO READ: The MN Roundabout Rule You Probably Didn't Know About
But have you ever been in the car with someone, most likely a dad, who will circle the roundabout more than once? Yes, it's very much a dad thing to do. Every once in a while if we're all in the car together and we're going through a roundabout, my dad will go around a couple of times like it's a ride.
Obviously, that's not how roundabouts are meant to be used but could someone get pulled over for doing it? Is there a limit to how many times you can go around a roundabout in Minnesota?

Is It Illegal to Circle a Roundabout Multiple Times?
MnDOT has a spot on its website dedicated to roundabouts. One piece of information they have about navigating roundabouts says, "Exit the roundabout immediately if an emergency vehicle approaches, and then pull over. Do not stop in the roundabout."
Ok, so if an ambulance, police officer, or firetruck is coming through with their lights and/or sirens on you need to leave the roundabout right away. That makes sense. No circling the roundabout in that situation.
But MnDOT also writes, "Continue through the roundabout until you reach your exit. Do not stop or pass in a roundabout."
This definitely says to me that if you miss your exit it's totally ok to go around again to reach your desired exit.
I didn't find any specific rule stating that you can't drive around a roundabout multiple times to annoy your kids. However, as people on the Reddit page 'Legal Advice Off Topic' said, it could potentially get you a reckless driving ticket.
And while I couldn't find anything that addressed this specifically for Minnesota, on Illinois' Department of Transportation website they confirm what was said on Reddit: "Circling a roundabout more than twice is careless driving."
Also, this should go without saying but just in case, don't circle roundabouts when there are people around. That's annoying for everyone, not just your kids, and can be dangerous.
On a similar topic, even with efforts to make Minnesota roads safer, there are still some problem spots.
Top 5 Most Dangerous Roads in the State of Minnesota
Gallery Credit: Jessica On The Radio