How Much Candy is Too Much Candy?
While I fully intend to eat more candy tonight than what I've had this whole year, I probably still won't be anywhere near overdose mode. And honestly, neither will you. Yes, it's possible to eat too much candy. BUT, the amount to make it lethal is pretty dang high.
If you weigh around 180 pounds, you would need to eat more than 260 mini candy bars OR 1,627 pieces of Candy Corn. Can you even buy that big of a bag at Costco? If you ate that much candy you would be taking in a whopping 20,000 calories. The American Chemical Society says eating that amount of candy would/could cause you to die. How do you think they did this study? "Hey, you like candy right? Eat these until you die!" Um...
Here's the math if you want to figure how much candy you can "safely" stuff your face with:
(Your weight x 13.5) / 9.3 = the number of mini candy bars you can eat before you die...
(Your weight x 13.5) / 1.5 = pieces of candy corn you can eat
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