From restaurants, to clothes... and now a fitness center?


One Hy-Vee in Minnesota could be getting a major upgrade when it comes to being the grocery store that has everything!

At least, that's what the White Bear Lake Hy-Vee store is hoping becomes a reality.

According to city documents, and this story from the Pioneer Press, the latest plans include a restaurant, pharmacy, liquor store and yes, a fitness center.

Talk about your one stop shop!

It’s expected to be 70,000 square feet with 10,000 feet of that being a mezzanine – or partially open second floor – for the sit-down restaurant and fitness center.

Nothing’s been decided and it's all still in the works. But if everything goes smoothly, project leaders hope to open the new store in the spring of 2018.

If you remember, just last year the new Hy-Vee on West Circle Drive NW installed their own clothing store... so why not a gym too?!

This wouldn't be the first Hy-Vee with its own fitness center. A store down in Des Moines, IA is the only other location with one installed.

So what do you think: Could Rochester handle another gym option in one of their four Hy-Vee locations?

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