Is Minnesota Ready For the ‘Impossible Burger’?
We're about to find out soon.
I've always said you can judge a restaurant's entire menu by how they do their burgers, because if they can mess those up then all bets are off.
Created in New York in 2016 to rave reviews, it's finally arriving to Minnesota today.
According to GoMN News, Hell's Kitchen in downtown Minneapolis will start serving the burger that's made entirely from plants, yet contains flavoring that makes it taste like beef.
Think about that last part... "taste like beef". So what exactly is that? Well the Impossible Burger contains a mix of wheat, potato, xanthan gum, Japanese yam, coconut and soybeans. None of those sound like my particular cup of tea, but then again I'll try anything once, especially a "burger".
Fun little side note: one of the company's founders, Nick Halla, is a native of Owatonna! So this incredible creation has a some homegrown roots involved as well.
If you'd like to learn more about this special vegan burger, you can check it out for yourself at the Impossible Foods website.
Speaking of trying new things, have you check out this controversial beer that's making a comeback in Rochester?