Is This Really How you Can Stop Bullying?
Last month was anti-bullying month. I had a recent conversation with a mother who's child is getting bullied in school. She's frustrated because nothing is really done to hold the bully accountable. In fact, I have heard this outcome more times than I can count among other parents. We know that bullying happens year-round and it can be really difficult to navigate and figure out how to prevent it from continuing. The challenges are that due to data privacy laws, not much can be found out whether or not the school districts have given a deserving consequence. There are times that the bully will retaliate or continue. Which begs to question, how should someone respond to a bully?
I saw this in my Facebook newsfeed and watched it. Brook Gibbs is a public speaker that focuses on how to build resilient kids and adults. I gotta say, it's a pretty good tactic and think it might be beneficial to anyone trying to deflect a bully. Take a look and let me know what you think.