Kit Kat Launches First New Flavor in US in 10 Years
I was so happy when the Easter Bunny stuffed my kids' eggs full of Kit Kats. Somehow he knew that they were my favorite candy and that my kids are too young to eat a ton of candy. As a good parent, I was happy to help them eat all of the candy bars.
Kit Kat has launched it's first new flavor in 10-years - "Mint and Dark Chocolate." I've been told they taste like Andes mints. Christopher Kinnard, the company's senior brand manager, told the Today Show, "KIT KAT is known around the world for its inventive flavors. Our fans in the U.S. have been requesting new KIT KAT flavors and we're excited to share we are adding to the KIT KAT family."
It's true we've been stuck with basic flavors here in the U.S. for too long. Did you know you can get Strawberry, Banana, and even Sake flavored Kit Kats in Japan? Timeout.com says the Sake flavor does contain alcohol, they also list several other flavors of Kit Kat that are available in Japan.
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