Learning Some New Marketing Tricks
Have a free hour and want to learn more about advertising? Own a small business and want to get your name out there? Then here is some great news! On June 14th, 2016, Todd Moskowitz, digital operations manager for Townsquare Media, will be at the Kahler Apache Hotel to give seminars on the basics and best tricks in advertising. These are great tips are for small businesses to get their name out there, and a great way to learn the best practices for an always changing consumer market.
With four different times available, whether early in the morning or in the afternoon, you definitely should check this out and learn the buying behaviors of your customers. Know what’s even better about attending this event? You will get a $500 advertising voucher for just showing up! That means you can broadcast your business for many to hear, increasing customer potential!
In a single hour, you can learn simple tips and tricks, get free advertising for your business, and take advantage of other opportunities.
Again, this is on June 14th, 2016 at the Kahler Apache Hotel (1517 16th Street SW), the first seminar begins at 8:30 AM, with seminars to follow at 10:30 AM, 2:30 PM and 4:30 PM. Don’t miss out!
There will also be opportunities to hear Moskowitz speak in Austin, Faribault and Owatonna in the coming days.