Minnesota Lottery Officials are reporting record sales for the 2020 fiscal year that will end on September 30th. This is actually the third straight year the lottery has set a record for sales. Sales weren't the only thing up in 2020- prizes paid to winners and commissions paid to lottery retailers also set records.

Below are the Fiscal Year 2020 stats:

  • Sales: $668.6 million
  • Return to State: $156 million.
  • Prizes paid to players: $423.6 million
  • Retailer commissions and incentives: $44.8 million

Lottery Executive Director Adam Prock said this is good news for everyone in the state,  “All Minnesotans benefit from Lottery proceeds. From state services that protect and support Minnesotans to environmental projects that protect our environment and give more Minnesotans the opportunity to connect with nature, Lottery proceeds help make Minnesota an even better place to live.”

You can check out the towns across our state that have had the most "big" winners this year below. (The Minnesota State Lottery describes anyone that wins $50K or more as a "big" winner.)

Now, if you're ready to win cash you don't have to head down to your neighborhood convenience store. Nope, just keep listening to your favorite radio station. Starting Monday, September 28th, we're going to give you a chance to win $10,000. We're actually giving you 10 chances a day to win $10K so make sure to listen to your radio, our app, or online while you're at work to win cash!

WINING: Minnesota's Winning-est Lottery Cities of 2020




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