Minnesota May be the Next Host of the Massive World’s Fair
I've briefly heard about the World's Fair before but I didn't know much about it. Earlier this week, however, Minnesota was proposed as being the next host of the 2027 World's Fair. If we're selected as the host it looks like some major projects will need to take place!
What is the World's Fair?
My understanding is that the World's Fair, or Expo as it's called elsewhere in the world, is a way for people from around the world to connect with each other over a 3-month long event. In a press release about Minnesota submitting a bid to host the 2027 World's Fair, Robert Clark, Co-Chair of the Minnesota USA Expo board said, "'Expos have the power to connect the world, allowing us to share knowledge and inspire each other and forge better relationships with other countries.'"

Minnesota World's Expo 2027
If Minnesota were to be selected as the next host of the World's Fair, the event would happen in Bloomington near the Mall of America. The Expo would be over a 3-month period in the summer of 2027. Definitely a good thing that they picked summer to host the event, can you imagine this happening in the winter!
I was able to get some mock-ups of what Bloomington would end up looking like if we were selected as the host of the Expo and it looks other-worldly.
Based on the mock-up below, it appears the plan would be to put most of these new buildings on the north side of the Mall of America.
Minnesota is one of five locations being considered for the 2027 World's Fair. The other locations are Argentina, Serbia, Spain, and Thailand. Now that the bid has been presented in Paris, work begins to make sure Bloomington and Washington DC are prepared for the Bureau International des Expositions (BIE) Enquiry Mission (so basically the committee that makes final decisions about the Expo) to visit and evaluate if we're prepared to host the World's Fair. That visit will happen in October of this year. Then there will be more presentations to the BIE General Assembly in November of this year and others in 2023. The final vote for who will host the 2027 World's Fair is in June of 2023.
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