Minnesota’s Deadliest Hour for Driving Revealed in New Report
Driving in Minnesota can be difficult and downright dangerous at times especially during our cold snowy months, but believe it or not winter isn't the deadliest time to be on Minnesota roads.
The insurance company, Assurance, analyzed data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration on fatal car accidents and used that info to figure out the most dangerous hour, day, and month for drivers in the NorthStar state.

February weather can create slick conditions on Minnesota roads and highways but the second month of the year was actually found to be the safest for drivers all around the country.
The stretch between Memorial Day and Labor day is often referred to as Minnesota's 100 deadliest days, but the team at Assurance says the deadliest month on Minnesota roads isn't during the summer.
It's important to remember that fatal crashes can happen at anytime and most of the time they are preventable. In fact, the Minnesota State Patrol doesn't use the term accident when describing a crash.
Sgt. Troy Christianson explains, "That anyone involved in a crash did not want it to happen and that it was most likely unintentional. But there is a reason why it happened; and most of the time it is from a person in control of a vehicle that has a momentary lapse in judgment or made an all-out destructive decision (impaired driving, reckless or aggressive driving, etc.) Even equipment issues (unsafe tires, obstructed vision, etc.) contribute to crashes and can be prevented."
According to Minnesota Towards Zero Deaths, the "four leading causes of traffic fatalities in Minnesota are impaired driving, distracted driving, lack of seat belt use, and speed."
Minnesota's Deadliest Month for Driving Revealed in Latest Statistics
October was the deadliest month on Minnesota roads according to the report from Assurance which looked at data going back to 2016.
They dug deeper and found Friday is the deadliest day of the week.
And according to their data, the most dangerous hour to be on Minnesota roads is 5:00-6:00 PM. Slow down and buckle up on your way home from work. Arriving safely should be your number one goal.
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