Mission Accomplished! 3 ‘Old Guys’ Rode From Grand Rapids, Minnesota To Alaska
Yesterday in the very early morning a post was made to celebrate the accomplishments of '3 old guys' who rode their snowmobiles from Grand Rapids Minnesota to Fairbanks Alaska. The trip was tough on both the men and their machines, but their grit and determination took them to the finish line.
Who are the '3 old guys'? Well they are Paul Dick, Rex Hibbert and Rob Hallstrom who were riding their Arctic Cat Norseman snowmobile’s from Grand Rapids, MN to Alaska. According to the Grand Forks Herald "The three men, all experienced long-distance snowmobile riders, range in age from 66 to 72. Hallstrom, a retired electrician from Park Rapids, Minnesota, is originally from St. Hilaire, Minnesota. Hibbert is from Soda Springs, Idaho, and Dick is from Grand Rapids."
The post noting their accomplishment was shared more than 1,600 times!
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