My Fiancé Picked My Outfits for a Week – Here’s What Happened
I've seen other people do this "challenge" (for lack of a better word) and I thought this could be really entertaining to see what Mat would do if I let him loose in my closet. He wears outfits that are in style but he doesn't spend his free time browsing Pinterest for outfit inspiration like I do sometimes so our fashion sense can vary a bit.
I was a little nervous. Some days I desperately want to wear something comfy and there are certain pieces I always pair together but this week I can't do that. Oh boy...
Mat said he picked this outfit because it's stuff he hasn't seen me wear in a while. It's fall, so he wanted to put me in a flannel and scarf. And yes, he also put me in heels. I'm totally cool with wearing heels but when I got home I was super glad to take them off. Also, it turns out I had worn the scarf wrong all day, according to him, so this photo is how he actually wanted me to wear it.
His favorite color is blue so I should have seen this coming. I wore a lot of blue (watch, shirt, and necklace) and I wasn't entirely convinced that the blue in the watch and all the other blue matched but I had to go with it! Another note on the watch, I never wear my watches anymore because I have a FitBit but I didn't want to lose out on my steps so I wore two watches today. I also got a compliment on the button up that's under the sweater!
Today Mat clearly wasn't inspired because he said his inspiration for this outfit was "It's hump day so pull anything out of the closet." Great. Funny thing is he picked the shirt I had been hoping he'd pick sometime this week and he also picked some of my favorite shoes. I got a compliment on my Minnesota necklace he picked too!
I so was not pumped about this outfit. This was the craziest outfit yet. The button up he pulled I usually just wear with a scarf. The t-shirt underneath I bought years ago and I almost never wear it. And the high tops I bought at a garage sale for a hip-hop dance I was in and haven't worn them since. So this was quite the combination of things. It was a comfortable outfit but still weird.
Today he decided to put me in a dress because it's Fancy Friday apparently! I'm also wearing the boots they I wear all the time and a comfy scarf. The downside: I'm wearing another dang watch. I don't know why he's got such a thing for these watches! He almost didn't give me leggings to wear under the dress. I asked if he was going to let my legs freeze and he said no and added the leggings. Yay!
So that's been my week! I was pretty ok with all of the outfits except for Thursday's and any time he made me wear a watch I wasn't a huge fan. Other than that it was fun having Mat pick my outfits because he pulled things that I hadn't worn in a while and also introduced me to different combinations of pieces.
Honestly, you could totally do this with your fiancé/boyfriend/husband because you never know, it might help you rediscover some parts of your wardrobe you forgot about!
Hang out with Carly Ross on 106.9 KROC weekdays 12-2pm!