Remember When That Raccoon Climbed a Skyscraper in St. Paul?
Can you believe it's been a year since that Minnesota raccoon made national news?
That's right-- it was a year ago (actually a year and two days) that a furry raccoon from right here in the Land of 10,000 Lakes began trending on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook and any other social media platform out there.
It's not that raccoons are all that rare here in Minnesota, but it WAS rare to see one on an office building in downtown St. Paul. And, after rebuffing efforts to head down a makeshift ramp to the ground, she (it was a female raccoon, we found out later) began to climb the side of the 23-story USB office building in Minnesota's capital city.
And, she kept climbing. And climbing. Well, she would periodically rest on various window sills as she ascended the building, high atop the St. Paul skyline. Seeing as she'd been up there for several days-- without food or water-- her story became a national sensation-- how would she get down?!?
Well, as we know now, she was finally lured to the top of the building by a can of some very aromatic cat food, where she was live trapped an eventually released back into the wild somewhere in the southwest metro near Eden Prairie. So, all ended well.
But for several days one year ago, the Minnesota raccoon was THE story!
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