List of Rochester Places Where Masks Are Required or Recommended
What businesses and organizations in Rochester, Minnesota are requiring face masks again?
Remember when we all had to wear masks for about a year? We all complained at first that it was such a nuisance but I actually got used to it and didn't mind it. 😷 It was a weird feeling though when I went to HyVee and walked around the store for the first time without a mask on my face. It was odd and nice all at the same time.
I'm used to being mask-free now but unfortunately, our COVID numbers are increasing again and companies are starting to talk about those masks again. Some businesses and organizations have even issued mandates for their employees with a few requiring masks to be worn inside facilities.
Businesses and Organizations in Rochester, Minnesota Requiring Face Coverings
If we learned anything the last time COVID numbers increased, this list can change very fast and there are probably places not included that are also requiring masks for employees or those that are shopping. Rule of thumb right now would be to keep a mask with you at all times. You may just try to walk in a store that has decided masks are now a required thing for all.
What is it like being a mom and working from home while kids are distance learning?
When my kids came home from school in March 2020, I was mentally prepared for about a 2 week bit. I was NOT mentally prepared for them to be home for an entire year plus a few more months. My husband was working from home. I was doing a radio show from home in my closet and recording commercials by my hoodies. And my kids were meeting up with their classrooms on a computer screen, including band class. Sometimes I would be in the middle of recording a commercial for a client and all of a sudden a super loud "BONKKKKKKKK Squeak BOP" noise would show up in the house ruining all of what I just recorded. I couldn't be mad though or make them stop because my child was in band class.
Not sure what your reality was like back at the start of the pandemic but if you'd like to see more of what mine was, I captured a few more of those horrible mom moments for you below.