Rochester Public Transit to Give Free Rides on 4th of July
Ride for FREE on 4th of July with the new cool Fare Holiday that Rochester Public Transit announced today! There's lots of festivities happening around Rochester so we think this is pretty cool of RPT to do for the Rochester community.
As if life couldn't get any better with transportation in Rochester, RPT also announced the new expanded services starting tomorrow. Here's the scoop from their website:
Rochester Public Transit announces significant additions and changes to bus service set to begin on July 1. For the first time, RPT will be offering fixed-route service on Sundays and holidays. The weekend and holiday buses will operate on the current Saturday routes, Routes 21 – 26, following an expanded 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. schedule. Weekend and holiday service will also be available to riders with disabilities who use the ZIPS paratransit service.
Expanded weekend service, including Sundays and holidays, was a common request that the public shared with us during our public listening sessions last fall.” said RPT Transit Planner Bryan Law. Those and many other requests were incorporated into a five-year Transit Development Plan, which was adopted by the Rochester City Council in May.
For weekday commuters, Rochester Public Transit will be implementing a planned system-wide peak service expansion by adding new trips to the afternoon peak service that leave the downtown area after 6 P.M. In addition, morning peak service is also being expanded system-wide, with new trips on most routes scheduled to arrive downtown before 6 A.M.
“We are pleased to announce these enhancements as we begin implementation of a bold and well-thought out five-year transit plan,” said Nick Lemmer, communications and outreach coordinator for RPT.
All riders are advised to pick up a new schedule. The timetables for all routes have been reviewed and many have been adjusted. The new timetables are available at and new printed schedules will be available on Wednesday June 27 aboard all buses and at the downtown transfer station.