Rochester’s ‘A Litter Bit Better’ Postponed Because of COVID-19 Concerns
Rochester's annual community clean-up, A Litter Bit Better, is the latest thing to be postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Stephanie Hatzenbihler, Environmental Education Specialist for the City of Rochester, said, “The health and safety of our Litter Bit Better volunteers are of the highest importance."
The Litter Bit Better planning team sent a press release explaining the week long event will be held in October this year. You don't have to wait until fall to clean up the city though. Organizers encouraged everyone to help out in other ways and offered these tips:
- Litter Walks
Bring a small trash bag on any walks you take and pick up any litter along the way. If your dog tags along, be sure to clean up their waste too. - Adopt-a-Drain
Register for and clean up debris on storm drains in your neighborhood. - Prevent litter at home
Place all trash in a plastic bag and tie the bag shut before throwing it away. Do not overload your garbage and recycling containers and make sure each container cover closes completely. - Recycle
Learn what can be recycled with your curbside hauler or at the Olmsted County Recycling Center Plus. All items should be clean, dry, and empty and then placed loosely in your recycling cart.