Scotty’s Busy Weekend in Six Photos
From Friday night through yesterday afternoon, I was busy, busy, busy!
Since we learned we didn't have to pay in for taxes this year, my wife and I finally bit the bullet and decided to update our kitchen with some of our return money.
She capitalized on an awesome sale at Home Depot the following day with our countertops, so last weekend we sat in on a fun DIY Workshop and learned how to install our own backsplash (more on this later).
But in between all the hard work inside, we did manage to get out a little bit too!
Here's the before photo of our kitchen, pre-demo:
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Demo Day!
Soon as I got off the air Thursday, we got to work in preparation for Friday's installation of our new countertops. My father-in-law is the ultimate handy-man so thankfully he knew what he was doing in removing the old ones... but you quickly learn how inconvenient it is to not have any surfaces in your kitchen!
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It's Coming Together
The next morning, our new granite countertops arrived and were installed (professionally) and we couldn't be happier with them!
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Time for a Walk!
Could Saturday have been anymore perfect?
Charlee loves being outside, so we took advantage of the rare sunshine this spring and took over an hour walk around our neighborhood. We stopped at Harriet Bishop Elementary and tossed her on their swing set and, well... you can clearly see how much fun she had!
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Game Day at D6
Later that morning I ended up at D6 Games LLC in Rochester to check out all they had to offer! They had everything from Dungeons and Dragons to Pokemon to anything you're into. With 200+ games to choose from, there's something for everyone for sure. Chris, Matt, Nate and Walker know their stuff and look forward to you stopping in soon at 3160 Wellner Drive NE.
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Backsplash Bonanza
With the rain returning Sunday, we figured why not spend it inside all day and get work on our backsplash? Unfortunately we forgot to buy a few supplies (multiple times) and had to run back to the store, so we didn't quite finish what we started. But we definitely like what we see so far! I'll be sure and post before and after pictures when we're finally done, so stay tuned!