During the holidays here in Minnesota, saying goodbye is not a quick affair—it’s a lengthy ritual steeped in warmth, politeness, and an unspoken competition to see who can linger longest.
Just like that turkey dinner with all the traditional side dishes, these uniquely Minnesota phrases will also likely make an appearance at your Thanksgiving this year.
I get it, it's tough - those puppy dog eyes staring into your soul as you're scarfing down the delicious feast. Don't give into temptation before reading this. Here are the good, the bad, and the canine-compatible Thanksgiving foods!
The Minnesota Goodbye is a real thing! And one you'll likely encounter sometime soon if you're getting together with family and friends this holiday season.
The 2021 holiday season is shaping up to be much more active than last year, so here are the days that are expected to be the busiest travel days in Minnesota.