The Absolute Worst Things About Spring (in Minnesota)
Let's be clear. I'm not complaining about FINALLY having nice weather after 6 months, but can we really call spring an actual season. It's Winter's leftovers and Summer's wannabe. So let's spring into all the in-between issues we have to face as we transition actual seasons.
1) Melted snow reveals all the dark secrets of winter and beyond. Dog poop currently serves as landmines all over my backyard.
2) My clothes reveal my winter habits. The change in weather also reminds me I haven't been paying much attention to my fitness either. I might need to rethink the first round of summer clothes. It's holiday weight, right?
3) Allergies.....if you don't have them you have no idea. Trees, Grass, Flowers, Pollen,......DEATH!
4) The good shows are gone (sniff...This Is Us) and all you are left with is the second-rate replacements. No thanks. I guess I'll clean.
5) You have no idea how to dress. You go to work cold, you sweat uncontrollably walking to lunch and then when you hit the A/C again in the office you are freezing. Bring lots of layers.
6) The bugs. The box elder bugs. Mosquitos. Bees. Ants. All of them are back to well, bug us.
7) Mud....on your car, on your pets, on your kids. It's just everywhere
8) Shaving has to become part of my regularly scheduled morning activities. You know ladies you didn't do it every day all winter long.
9) You are stuck inside. You hardly get to enjoy this new "nice weather". It's always nice when you are inside and then rains the second you are off work.
10) There are NO special foods for springs. Don't you dare say Peeps! You have peppermint mochas and holiday cookies, you have lemonade and Summer Shandy but what special things does spring have? Absolutely nothing.
Listen to Beth weekdays from 10am to 12pm on 106.9 KROC