Thousands will flock to downtown Rochester this Saturday to watch the 2018 Parade. If you're going, here are the best places to set up to watch:

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There is plenty of open space in front of the Edison building on the corner of 6th St SW and 7th Ave SW, and this spot is right near the beginning of the parade, which means everyone will still have plenty of candy to throw out. The final stretch of the parade, pictured below, is right along Soldier's Field Park and as you can see is wide open.

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The RochesterFest Grand Parade had always taken place on Friday but was changed to Saturday last year. When the change was made, Rochesterfest Director Brent Ackerman said: “By moving the parade from Friday to Saturday, we hope to alleviate some of the rush hour congestion and parking challenges and allow more time and space for parade staging and preparation."

The change helped last year's parade was much more enjoyable.This year's parade starts at 2:00PM on Saturday. Hope to see you there!

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