The Guide to Holiday Tipping in Rochester
There are so many more random people that I appreciate in my life. Dang near everything I do now I question myself, was I supposed to tip that person? It's a genuine question. I don't want that person thinking I don't appreciate what they've done for me because I didn't give them anything. I've been doing some research and talking to the pros to figure out who you should be tipping or getting a gift for over the holidays.
Teacher: This person is making a huge impact on your kid's life. I do what I do today, because of a teacher. Don't take that for granted. Take care of them - they deserve it. Can't go wrong with a gift card! Anywhere from $10-30.
Day Care Provider: $25-70 for each person that works with your children and a small gift from your children
Hair Dresser: In all reality, they are making you feel more confident every single day with great looking hair. Tip them extra OR get them a gift. How much? Rule of thumb: Up to the amount of a service.
Garbage/Recycling: One that I never would have thought of, but our garbage guys are phenomenal especially this time of year when the bins are overflowing with Amazon boxes. They say you should give them anywhere from $10-30. You just have to catch them when they are zooming through the neighborhood.
Post Bulletin Delivery Person: A small gift or cash/gift card between $10-30
Mail Carrier: As a person that is single handily keeping Amazon in business, I have packages coming to my house on the regular. The guys are awesome and always leave a treat for the fur-kids. All of them should get taken care of:
- USPS Policy: Gifts cannot exceed $50 per calendar year. Giving cash, VISA, MasterCard, or gift cards that may be used as cash are prohibited per USPS's Employee Tipping and Gift Receiving Policy.
- UPS Policy: UPS does not have a limit; tipping is left to customer's discretion.
- FedEx Policy: Company policies discourage gift cash or gift cards. The driver will politely decline the holiday gratuity. If the customer is insistent, the driver may ultimately accept the gift.
According to Town and Country Magazine, you can skip tipping these people in your life:
Doctor, Dentist
Executive Coach
Members, Board of Directors or Trustees
Seamstress/ Tailor
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